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The author

The author hopes to contribute to the world by bettering the world of Pharmaceuticals and life in general. There is a notion that human actions are almost always disastrous to the nature and the least that can be done is to stop wasting resources; no one can live in their personal bubbles where their actions don’t have any consequences. It will be burst one day.

          Change is the only constant in life. – Heraclitus

           “Moving to Chicago to live with my Love has been by far the best decision that I have made. I have begun to re-pave my path with the man of my dreams and be the person I want to be. Life, as short as it might be, is yet to unveil many of its charms. We will be victorious as adventurers, as entities, as one of the many creations of God.” – Skandi

Skandi is an Indian (Asian) and is very fond of her culture. It was while suffering with senioritis, that she started this blog. Please feel free to suggest any changes that can improve the quality of this blog.

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